Low sodium quick lunch idea

Quick Sardine Salad for Lunch

Do you ever have a busy day ,and you don’t feel like putting together an elaborate lunch but still want to be mindful of choosing heart healthy ingredients? Today, I decided to dig around in my fridge and throw together a simple canned sardine lunch salad. I also had a big handful of unsalted brown rice crackers on the side that didn’t quite make it into the picture (because I ate it all too quickly! Ha!). It’s important to pair salads with a carb because in my experience, if you don’t, you’ll just be starving later and decide to indulge in something less than ideal.

Quick Sardine Salad Recipe


  • Salad greens of your choice: I like baby spinach or arugula
  • Canned sardines: I choose the ones canned in olive oil
  • Radish: Slice it up into halves or quarters
  • Chives: chop up enough for a small handful
  • Sriracha or other hot sauce of your choice
  • Lemon or Balsamic vinegar


  1. Combine all ingredients except chives.
  2. Garnish top of sardines with chives and very small dash of hot sauce
  3. Squeeze fresh lemon over salad or a splash of balsamic vinegar
  4. Serve with some no salt crackers on the side
  5. Eat it all and enjoy!

Hope you enjoy this quick, easy, heart healthy, low sodium lunch! Working on lowering blood pressure naturally does not have to be complicated or fancy. I love that canned sardines are ready to be consumed at any time and require minimal prep.

Yes, there is salt added to canned sardines, so the simple trick is to reduce the salt content of all the other ingredients around it! That way the overall salt content is not too high. Balance is the key.

What’s your go-to quick and healthy meal?

Quick low sodium sardine salad lunch
Quick low sodium sardine salad lunch

2 thoughts on “Quick Sardine Salad for Lunch”

    1. That’s a good idea! Unfortunately canned sardines often do have some salt added, however if you reduce the salt of everything around it; for example serving it with a salad ~ use balsamic vinegar and olive oil as dressing. Unsalted roasted potatoes with unsalted Italian seasoning also makes a great side!

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